Like many folks, I joined a gym to lose some weight, to build some muscle and to increase my stamina. I was trying to combat the aging process, not to mention the years of neglecting my physical fitness.
It was one of those gyms that you could go to for a little bit of money every month. And, like many … I started off with a bang … then life got busy … or I was too tired … and I rarely got there. It’s not hard to imagine why I wasn’t seeing any pounds melting away … revealing the Charles Atlas that I knew was hiding inside.
So, this year Karen gave me a present … a membership to a gym that has personalized coaching available. While this program was more expensive than my previous gym membership, she knew that the accountability, and cost of meeting a coach several times a week would motivate me to get there. She was right … and I am starting to see some positive results (although far from Charles Atlas’ physique)!
As I reflect on this scenario, I see a strong connection with what we are trying to do here at the Marriage Hub. Our goal is to help couples build strong healthy marriages. The main thrust of our ministry has been working with couples who are in crisis and struggling to stay together. You might say their marriages are not in very good shape.
God is blessing our intensives ministry and we hear that couples are getting stronger as they work through our follow-up program. But all this intervention has forced us to ask the question: “How can we help couples from getting into this perilous point in their lives?” Well I’m happy to say we have come up with a very good answer …
We are excited to announce our new ministry to marriages. It is a personalized coaching ministry designed to help individual spouses and/or couples work on strengthening their marriages. So, they won’t need one of our intensives!
Too many couples are coasting along and are not aware of how out of shape their marriages may be. They are not feeling the fullness of their relationship.
If this sounds like you…I’d strongly encourage you to head out to our website: and sign up for a free 30-minute session with one of our coaches to see if the extra accountability of our coaching program will help continue to grow your marriage.