Why Self-Care is Godly and Important for Your Marriage

Warm weather, cook-outs and graduation parties signal that summer is here!

You probably have some vacation plans in the works … but let me challenge you to drill down a little deeper.  What’s your vision for your marriage and family during this time together?  What does your marriage need now?  What do you need to get refreshed and reloaded?

When I first heard the term “self-care” I struggled with how it squares with the Bible.  I was taught to deny ourselves … to serve others first … “self-care” sounded selfish!

But the Great Commandment tells us to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself … so God must want me to love myself in some way …

I’ve learned that self-care is not self-indulgence … it’s developing a strategy for taking care of your heart, soul, mind and strength so that you can become all God intends you to be … and so you can be all you need to be for your spouse and children.

So, how do we recharge the batteries of our personal lives?

Your heart: … is the center of our emotions … our feelings.  What fills your emotional tank?  For me it’s time with Karen, our sons and their wives, and our three granddaughters … nobody does it better.  So I make sure we have lots of family time during the summer months.

Your soul: … You need a regular time in God’s Word so you can live and love God’s way … make sure you spend some personal time with the Lord over your break …

Your mind: … You become what you think; so, what are you reading or listening to that is stimulating your mind … that is helping you ruminate on the right things?

Your strength:  Physically … what do you need?  More rest … better nutrition … more stamina … better health and vitality?  Your body is the temple … when your temple is weak … you’re vulnerable everywhere.

Self-care is vital to the health of your marriage and family … when you take the time to replenish your heart, soul, mind and strength … it allows you to love and serve them out of the overflow of your life.  You can’t fully love and serve from a depleted you!

Take the time during your vacation to recharge your batteries!

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