We’ve all been processing the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling declaring: “that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry.” Many have asked: “What are the implications of this ruling for House on the Rock Family Ministries?” My answer has been: “I honestly don’t know!
But here are five things that I honestly do know:
God “created” marriage. It was not “passed” into existence by voters, legislators or justices. So, House on the Rock is, and will continue to be, fully committed to the Biblical truth that marriage is the union between one man and one woman in a lifelong covenant relationship with their God and each other.
God is sovereign. He turns the hearts of kings and courts (Proverbs 21). The cultural slide leading to this unbiblical decision didn’t catch Him off guard. In fact, I believe God wants to use what appears to be a “tragic” decision to become the “wakeup” call for the Church in what may be the “last” days!
It’s time for us … the Bride of Christ … to rise up and show the world what the love of God looks like. The state of the Church’s marital unions determines the state of our American union! The condition of our marriages and families speak volumes to a lost and watching world. So we must double down to protect, nourish, and pray for our marriages because they are the only Gospel that many will ever see.
So you … husbands … love your wives and be the sacrificial servant leaders of your families. We have no higher calling! You wives, love and respect your husbands –walk beside them and encourage them. You have no higher calling.
God so loved the “world” … and all of the sinners in the world … including you and me. Truth is … God loves all those in the LGBT community too! These are men and women who need a Savior. Our job is to show them how the love of Christ works in our lives … so they can see the need for it to be at work in their lives. Remember we are not the judge …
God is the Supreme Judge whose “laws” cannot be overturned. He will ultimately administer His grace and justice perfectly.
God is the same yesterday … today … and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He does not change and His Word endures forever. In these rapidly challenging and changing days we cling to our unchanging God and His Word.
We should mourn this ungodly decision … this is a sad day for America; and the consequences of re-defining God’s ordained institution will be felt for generations. But let us not lose sight of tremendous opportunity for the Gospel it presents to us.