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The weekend was amazing and our relationship/marriage is back on track! God opened our eyes and softened our hearts and helped get rid of some “stinkin thinkin”. We both are full of hope as we move forward. We have already started the 15-session follow up, which I see as a way to cement the new ways of communicating and conflict resolution. Thanks for the continued prayers; our renewed relationship is tender and vulnerable; we don’t want to fall into old habits.

As for the food and accommodations, the B&B was lovely and the food was great, especially all the DOVE chocolate pieces! 🙂

Support The Marriage Hub

Almost 65% of the couples attending a marriage intensive retreat with The Marriage Hub are given some sort of financial needs based scholarship. Without those funds, we would not be able to save their marriage.

The Marriage Hub is the marriage ministry of House on the Rock Family Ministries, a registered 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Checks can be mailed to: The Marriage Hub – 18 N Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022

EIN # 20-0628342