Todd Roberts
Marriage Hub Certified Coach, Certified Life Coach, BS in Bible and Christian Education, MA in Pastoral Leadership Studies, Ordained Pastor, EFCA Certified Heathy Sexuality Coach
Todd has a deep passion to help create more connection in marriages. He has a gifted way of putting people at ease while working through difficult challenges and struggles. He is committed to creating a shame-free space to put the real issues on the table, define the problem, and move toward a new and better solution. Todd is particularly interested in helping people quit struggling with sexually related issues. Todd has left a 20-year career in Pastoral Ministry to focus more on Coaching and living out an adventurous life. He’s been married for 30+ years.
His Specialties Are:
~ Sexual trauma recovery
~ Helping men express emotions
~ Helping men listen
~ Pornography recovery
~ Rebuilding trust
~ Forgiveness