call or text us at 833-482-4968


Recent Notes from Couples

We are trying to implement the things we learned at the intensive. Although, not perfect, but we are trying. We are very thankful that we went to this intensive. It’s better than all of the years of marriage counseling that we’ve had. Please continue to pray that the Lord continues to help us get rid of bitterness toward each other, get rid of “stinkin thinkin”, and see the best in each other.

We have already recommended this intensive to family members and friends!

June 2024

We’re doing good. Our coaches were so great, we really appreciated how they walked us through the Intensive but also gave us time to work on our specific issues. We could not have asked for better coaches.

May 2024

 I would like to say that going into the weekend I was truly thinking that our marriage was over. We were going through the motions of giving one last ditch effort, but God works in mysterious ways and I am surprisingly writing to say that after the ultimate life-shattering trust buster of cheating, we were able to work through our challenges and have really difficult conversations this weekend. Our coaches created such a safe space for us to learn and grow that we both have fully committed to moving forward together. This is not to say that everything is perfect; “trust is lost in buckets and earned drip by drip.” We know it’s going to be a journey but we have done our intro of heavy lifting last night and have scheduled a date for this week. I have recommitted to finding myself in the morning, spending time with God, and doing a daily devotion. I pray that we continue to commit to one another each day through God’s word and fight against satan and temptation.

May 2024

We are doing great. Thanks again for the knowledge and fellowship. We canceled divorce proceedings today with our lawyers. Your intensive was the deal maker.

May 2024

We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible experience we had at The Marriage Hub Intensive Retreat this past weekend. Our coaches were truly a blessing, and we are so thankful for their leadership and guidance.

The lessons, materials, and tools you provided us with have been invaluable. We feel confident and empowered to apply them as we continue to grow closer to God and nurture our marriage. Your dedication and passion for helping couples build amazing and spiritual marriages have left a lasting impact on us.

Thank you once again for your dedication and support. We feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to learn.

May 2024

What a life changing weekend my husband and I shared!! Meeting other couples and sharing our lives/struggles in a safe and non-judgmental zone was empowering. We are all human and in need of God, His Word, and the wisdom of other believers who understand and who’ve walked in our shoes. My favorite part of the Intensive was probably the practical application.  We identified our fears along with our reactions due to those fears. Sharing my heart with my spouse in such a way helped us to draw us closer to one another.

I believe any marriage can get so caught up with life. Spouses can forget and begin to take one another for granted. This weekend gave us an opportunity to see our spouses through a clearer lens. We are growing that we may develop more love and compassion for the other. I’m looking forward to doing our “heavy lifting” follow-up course online as we continue to work together and draw closer to one another. May God richly bless you for pouring into marriages and speaking life into them for the benefit of HIS Kingdom.

April 2024

We are doing well, thank you!! In fact, we’re really enjoying the time we’re sharing together as we learn new things about the other. We even started our first devotional together last night. It’s surreal. While we know all things are possible with God, 9 years of difficulty seemed grim for us. So, to see great progress between us over the last few weeks has been exciting and profound. We look forward to sharing more with you.

April 2024

We are making great progress through the Heavy Lifting. Things are awesome between us. We are growing and strengthening our relationship everyday thanks to the Intensive.

February 2024

Our coaches were wonderful leaders. We loved their very real story and their willingness to be so open. I appreciated their humor and care and empathy shown throughout the weekend. They were absolutely wonderful and caring and fantastic teachers. Thank you so much to them for everything! God bless them and their marriage.

January 2024

The weekend and the program were amazing! Our coaches did a terrific job, with excellent backup support from the support couple! The insights they provided, as well as their demeanor, were exceptional. The experience with the other two couples was also excellent and very productive – it was definitely helpful having others there to share in their experiences and perspectives on much of the subject matter.

We had a great 5 hour ride to Sandy Cove discussing our marriage in anticipation of the weekend as we were both looking forward to the benefit we hoped it would provide, and we immediately started to reap those benefits after just the first night. Even though our heads were spinning after Saturday’s packed program, we actually would have preferred to have reconvened for a couple of hours after dinner to keep the momentum going. Sunday was another completely packed and productive day. Afterwards, we both had “enjoyable” tension headaches for our drive home, but despite this, we continued with some additional (lighter) marital discussions. In hindsight, it is clear why this is called an “intensive” weekend – it certainly was.

The structure of the program itself was also excellent, as were the printed materials. It gives us a solid guide and steps to follow as we continue working to strengthen our marriage. The program has opened our eyes to the many issues that we have faced and dealt with over the years, and has equipped us with the tools to address them moving forward. It also opened productive communication channels between us. I am so confident that we are now on the right trajectory, and I look forward to rebuilding our marriage as God intended. She is my gift from God that I need to cherish. Also, we will definitely be taking advantage of the 15 session follow-up. We also very much appreciated that this course is God centric, which is, what brought us to it in the first place.

January 2024

We sought out a biblically based program since the Lord is so important to us and The Marriage Hub successfully delivered! I didn’t know what to expect from an intensive weekend but we walked into the weekend enthusiastically in hopes of getting our marriage back on track. I will say it not only met my expectations, but it exceeded them. I appreciated the structure of the program, the material, the leaders, and participants. We walked away armed with information. We have the 15 week follow up course to help us navigate our marriage. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we feel prepared and blessed to have the Marriage Hub’s resources including online therapist should we need them.

January 2024

Wow. The coaches were amazing. So down to earth, so relatable, so understanding and patience in listening to our struggles. They were very easy to understand and I felt that they had a genuine interest in our well-being and cared.

December 2023

The intensive was deep and was emotional, revealing, healing… all at the same time. I loved the intimate format in which it was held and we felt comfortable from the beginning. It was the perfect amount of time. I loved the material and the exercises we did.

December 2023

I felt relieved that the coaches saw and understood what I could not verbally express to my husband. And yet, they were able to decipher it and explain it to my husband in a way that I couldn’t.

November 2023

I came not knowing what to expect and with a glimmer of hope.
By the end of the 1st night, there were some deep revelations.
By the second 2nd day, I thought my husband was going to want to pack his bags, leave early and give up, but…
By the 3rd day, I saw Gods’ light shine upon us with solid hope. This breakthrough could not have happened without the coaches’ patience and encouragement and reassurance that God has a true plan for us. In addition with all the prayers that were being made for us prior to our arrival.

I now truly believe that we are on a path of reconciliation to get us back to being connected. I know it will be hard, but with patience, prayer and consistent follow through we shall overcome with all the new understandings and tools that were provided to us this past weekend. God is Good.

November 2023
My experience went very well. At first I said to myself “what did I get into!” But on the second day I knew it was what we needed. It was a true blessing! Had a lot of “aha” moments.

We learned a lot, and at the same time God broke the cement wall my wife built over the years. We came in with total strangers, but felt sad leaving as if we were saying goodbye to very close friends.

I appreciate everything, and will highly recommend The Marriage Hub to anyone I encounter with marital problems.

November 2023

The weekend was great I learned many things I need to change for myself and our marriage. Our coaches were great and I really appreciated them being transparent the whole weekend.

November 2023

The weekend was an absolute blessing! We loved our coaches. They were everything we needed and more. It felt genuine and judgement free. I didn’t know how I would feel in a setting with other couples, but it was actually refreshing to hear other stories and be able to learn from them. I thank the Lord for allowing me and my husband that opportunity. We have left more hopeful and with the proper tools for moving further in what God has designed for our marriage and family.

November 2023

We are beyond thankful for the opportunity. The experience was positive and challenging in a good way. We had some breakthroughs but mostly felt like it gave us a very good foundation for repairing things. We would not have been able to do this without the scholarship and we hope one day to contribute towards that fund for other couples.

We really enjoyed the setting. The coaches were excellent. They’re warm and genuine and really helped guide feedback and conversation.

Thank you for being a part of making this happen for us

November 2023

The format was perfect, 3 couples with 2 coaching couples. At first I thought it would be too much pressure on us or that we’d all be staring at each other. But it was a caring holding environment, learning experientially. The leaders were so transparent and gentle with themselves and the group that in itself was a lesson.

November 2023

The intensive was fantastic, our coaches were excellent, we learned so much. It was an amazing experience and all of the tips/advice on how to communicate with healthy conflict instead of unhealthy conflict will serve us well. Also, learning to prioritize each other over everything else will be vital for our marriage to evolve and continue to grow. We look forward to the 15 week follow up and even attended church this past Sunday together. We are so happy we choose to come to the intensive and really feel like for the first time in a long time there is hope for our marriage. We can’t thank our coaches enough for all the wisdom and advice they shared. We know we have a long road ahead but feel like now we are equipped to successfully navigate it together.

August 2023

This opportunity was such a blessing for us. We got home and immediately started applying it. We are so much happier. We are praying that we continue to stay United and strong and praying that God guides us through this journey. We are so thankful for our coaches. God knew what he was doing when he put us with them. Not only did they help us learn the skills to be successful but they also help me (a sheep that got lost over the past 6 months) come back to my master and trust him fully. We are just so thankful for the experience.

August 2023

The weekend was amazing! I felt so comfortable sharing in a group setting and I didn’t think I would. The coaches were really good at what they do!

July 2023

My husband was a hard sell, but on the way to the second day, he gave me a kiss (which was no longer common) and said “thank you for this”.
Both our sets of coaches were amazing and complemented each other beautifully. Thank you to everyone who made it possible.

July 2023

The weekend went well. We had a lot of fun and had a good time talking things through with the coaches. They were open with us and shared so much of their story.

July 2023

I truly loved it! Best decision I ever made. I miss our coaches already! With prayers and everything we learned I am very hopeful we can make it work. ❤️

June 2023

The weekend was incredibly fruitful and meaningful. We ripped up our divorce papers and are moving back in together. We don’t have enough words to express our gratitude.

May 2023

It was definitely intense but needed. The intensive was really great, we got a ton out of it and really enjoy our coaches, they are fantastic at what they do. Our marriage has already benefited from the intensive and I firmly believe we will continue to repair our marriage and be stronger for it.

May 2023

Last weekend was super. I enjoyed the sessions very much, learned so much from our coaches and the other couples. Actually, I wish that we had the tools that we were taught, at the beginning of our marriage. Those tools are valuable and essential! I plan to use many of them. I feel more hopeful and also am realistic that we have a lot of work to do.

May 2023

The weekend was wonderful, insightful, truly transformative in pointing both me and my husband to the truth of what God calls us to in marriage. The coaches were super caring. They created space for us to feel safe, which was helpful, especially for my husband. There was no inkling of judgement as we and the others shared our stories.

The facility was comfortable, and despite the length of the sessions, it was never boring… all in all, a lovely experience and exactly what we needed.

Thank you for all you do and for your help with our marriage and getting it back on track.

April 2023

We both enjoyed the weekend intensive. We have learned a lot, took home a lot and use a lot of what we had learned daily. While we know that things aren’t fixed overnight, both of us feel that we are moving in the right direction. Thanks to you and everyone for your continued prayers in strengthening our marriage.

April 2023

I honestly can only say God is so good! Although this has been one of the hardest years of our lives, it wasn’t without purpose. It just reaffirmed that God is going to use this for good! My husband and I are on very different paths when it comes to our spiritual journey but as I humble myself to be more Christ like I truly believe that God is so intentional in what he does. I truly have loved my husband when he was unlovable and honestly I have been the same at times. As a team we are fully committed to living the rest of our lives to serve our Lord and honestly bringing our children along. How beautiful to live out our faith for our children, I truly believe it speaks volumes to be able to pick up the broken pieces and show them what God can do! You guys have been a light in the darkness, thank you from the bottom of my heart, because a broken marriage has monumental effects on so many and I truly feel this on so many levels!

We are so incredibly blessed to have gotten to attend this past weekend!

April 2023

While I am sad that my husband and I are in a situation where we felt this Intensive was necessary, given the situation. I am very happy we were able to attend. I found the weekend very impactful and informative and I believe that it strengthened our decision to stay together and O believe that we can come out of this stronger. Every day is a struggle right now, but you all have provided me with a perspective that was hard to see before attending that I believe I desperately needed. I am hopeful.

April 2023

The weekend was certainly intensive, but I left with a lot of things to think about and a stronger faith in God. Our coaches were wonderful! They were both an inspiration to all of us there. Thank you again for your communication and assistance in setting up the weekend. We plan to begin the follow up program this weekend.

April 2023

I loved our coaches and thought they did a fantastic job. I left feeling very inspired and motivated, and have a plan to reconnect with God. I’m praying that we will commit to the 15-week follow up program, so we can continue to work on our marriage one baby step at a time, and want to thank everyone for their support.

April 2023

I would like to first thank you for starting this program. I didn’t know something like this existed. I’m so glad it does. My wife and I were in a really terrible place, and we both thought there was no other hope. Not only have you given us hope, but you have provided both of us the tools needed to grow stronger together. I would not change a thing about the program. It is well structured and well managed. Thank you again for saving our marriage.

April 2023

It was a very pleasant experience. We enjoyed our time there and we learned quite a bit.

April 2023

Even with all our problems, I went into the weekend with hope. Now after the weekend, I have even more hope. We have a lot to work on and I think….I feel…that we both are willing to put in the work. The curriculum was really good and the coaches were outstanding. I can’t say enough good about both the coach couple and support couple. It was truly amazing how they made us feel comfortable to be there and truly wanted to help us. It is a comfort to know we reached out to you all and now we are not alone in this battle for our marriage.

April 2023

I have to say this was the best decision I could have made. I cannot begin to tell you how much this has helped our lives. I came with no expectations and returned with so much hope and also a whole new husband…he has learned so much and has been applying his knowledge and keeping me accountable. I can’t say enough about The Marriage Hub. It’s still early, and we have a lot of work to do, but I believe if we stay consistent and follow the program, with God’s help we will get there. You guys have changed my life. I am so grateful to have met and been blessed by this team…thank you 🙏

April 2023

The weekend was just what we needed. We went in believing that communication was our problem and it turns out that the difficulty in communicating was a symptom of something else. We learned things about ourselves as a couple and as individuals that made us understand why we were experiencing difficulties. We have set a weekly time together to press on with this journey of strengthening our marriage. In the midst of the storm it can feel hopeless and with our newfound understanding of underlying issues we not only have hope but are at peace in addressing those issues together. The intensive was such a blessing and we are so grateful for everyone involved in helping us get back on track with our marriage.

The entire team at The Marriage Hub is absolutely wonderful and thank you just doesn’t seem like enough for everything you all have done for us.

March 2023

Support The Marriage Hub

Almost 65% of the couples attending a marriage intensive retreat with The Marriage Hub are given some sort of financial needs based scholarship. Without those funds, we would not be able to save their marriage.

The Marriage Hub is the marriage ministry of House on the Rock Family Ministries, a registered 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Checks can be mailed to: The Marriage Hub – 18 N Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022

EIN # 20-0628342