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What Should Christian Couples Watch on TV

Many people have asked, is it okay for my spouse and I to watch TV shows that have regular occurrences of nudity in them? With the rise of online streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime and the pervasive on demand viewing options for networks like HBOCinemax, etc., the accessibility to shows that would never be allowed in primetime has grown significantly. Not only are they more accessible, but the networks have poured large amounts of financial resources into these new original series to increase the quality to the point they regularly receive nominations for annual Emmy Awards.We typically hear two different scenarios. The first, both of you are okay with those types of shows and don’t think watching these kind of things will affect your marriage. The second,  one of you doesn’t know how to tell your spouse you want them to change their viewing habits.If you’re in the first camp, I’d strongly recommend you look at what the Scriptures teach. Paul admonishes us to “flee from sexual immorality” in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Jesus defines adultery as “anyone who looks at a woman lustfully”, in Matthew 5:28. Psalm 119:37, warns us to “turn my eyes from looking at worthless things”. Hebrews 13:4 concludes, “let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and the adulterous”.So what do you do if your spouse watches these types of shows against your better judgment and admonitions?

First, pray that God will convict him or her that watching nudity is wrong. God’s convictions will be much stronger than any nagging or judgment you can offer.

Second, share your feelings at a separate time. Let your spouse know how disrespected and humiliated you feel when they watch these shows. You could ask something like, “If I enjoyed something that hurt you deeply, would you want me to continue doing it?”

Third, set safeguards in place. Set up filters on your viewing services that don’t allow shows with these types of ratings. Or just get rid of those services completely by working through these issues as a couple. You’ll build your intimacy with each other as opposed to growing the fan base of an inappropriate show.

Couple relaxing on couch eating popcorn and watching tv

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