We’re passionate here at The Marriage Hub about helping couples see how the Word of God speaks to their marriages. As we’ve been reflecting on Easter and the greatest act of love ever demonstrated to mankind, we saw several practical marriage lessons in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The first one is that this sacrificial giving is foundational to building a godly marriage. Paul’s mandate to husbands in Ephesians 5:25 is to love your wives, like Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. That reference to giving himself up is to Jesus’s crucifixion, the ultimate expression of sacrificial love. Jesus was willing to put his desires second to his father’s in order to meet our need for forgiveness and reconciliation. We’re all familiar with this prayer. Not my will, but thy will be done. Too often, the mindset in our marriages is “my will be done at the expense of yours”. Are you willing to put your will second to the needs of your spouse? To sacrifice your time and energy for the sake of your mate? If you answered yes, that’s a good start.
The second thing we see is that no marriage is too far gone. The divine purpose of Jesus’s death and resurrection was to reconcile man to God, to mend a shattered relationship. No marriage is so broken, so far gone that God is not willing and able to restore it. The same authority that raised Jesus from the grave is the same power that can resurrect a dead marriage. We start by asking God to forgive us. Then we go to seek forgiveness from our spouses. We must also be ready to grant forgiveness to them when they come to us. It’s through this process that the pathway to the marriage God wants us to enjoy is cleared of all debris. God can use the struggles in your marriage not only to create something more beautiful than you could ever imagine, but to encourage and inspire other couples to pursue God’s love and forgiveness too.
So, as we celebrate Easter this year, take some time to reflect on its meaning for your marriage. Allow the wonderful and powerful spiritual truths of Easter to breathe new life into your relationship, and your marriage will be stronger for it.