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8 Suggestions For Your New Years Marriage Resolutions

It’s that time of year again when we resolve to do things that will make our lives better … well we want to challenge you to be thinking of some ways you can be making your marriage better … so here are 8  suggestions for your marriage New Year resolutions:

1.  Plan a regular time to connect spiritually.  Find a Read through the Bible program you can do together.  Create a couple’s prayer journal listing your requests and answers.  Start small and let it grow!

2.  Eat Better.   It’s too easy to cozy up on the couch and shovel down snacks while watching TV.  Plan some date nights by finding some fun and healthy recipes to cook and eat together.

3.  Sweat together.  If you’re part of a tubby tandem and serious about ditching extra pounds, enlist your spouse as a workout buddy.  Run, walk or ride together … or find a fitness video to help you burn off those pounds.

4.  Stop multitasking with technology.  When you’re spending time with each other, banish buzzes, beeps and chirps from your computer and phone.  Don’t scroll through your emails, texts or facebook account while your spouse is talking to you.  You may think you can do two things at once, but truth is … when you do, you’re sending your spouse the message that he or she is not worth your full time and attention.
So, If you both have things you must do on your phone or computer, set a time to accomplish the tasks, and then move on with your evening (and don’t even think of counting your tech time together as a “date”).

5.  Start a Vacation Savings Account:  Start planning now for a vacation later this year, even if it’s a “staycation.”  Plan to take time off from work to devote to your spouse and kids.  Plan to play together …

6.  Resolve to do a weekly act of love or service for your spouse – it can be a little surprise, an unprompted chore or errand … or a love note or card.

7.  Plan at least one date night per month.  These don’t need to be extravagant … just a time to connect … may we suggest a subscription to our fan the flame dates dot com website’s year long challenge!?

8.  Find an accountability partner to hold you to these resolutions!  We fail to do what is expected … unless it is inspected.

"New Year - fresh start" Written on calendar

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The Marriage Hub is the marriage ministry of House on the Rock Family Ministries, a registered 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

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