It seems like the word “ritual” has taken on a negative connotation over the years. Everything from daily ruts and routines to empty ritualistic religious experiences … have damaged how valuable good rituals can be.
The term “ritual” is defined as any practice or pattern of behavior regularly performed in a set manner.
Psychologist and well-known marriage expert John Gottman says that, “creating informal rituals when you can connect emotionally is critical in a marriage.”
Our bodies are hardwired to tie in positive emotional connections with those daily routines we have … and when we make them purposeful … we grow our daily emotional connections with our spouse.
Here’s a few marriage rituals you could start adding today!
- Starting your day off by saying “good morning my love” to your spouse. It may sound corny at first, but whether you’re a morning person or not … there’s nothing better than the 1st words you hear each day being an affirmation of your love for each other.
- Before you head out for work in your opposite directions, take a minute to hold hands while you pray for each other’s day. This is an opportunity to grow emotionally … spiritually … and physically all at once!
- Create a special time each day where you call each other to check in. Maybe it’s during a lunch break … or at some point during the day when you know your spouse is usually available. That short 2-minute call … or volley of quick text messages … is a great way to do a quick check-in … and prep for the night!
Some other fun things you can do just for laughs …
- Trying holding your breath as you drive through a tunnel
- Race home when you drive separate cars to an event … and see who wins!
- Kiss every time you go thru a covered bridge
- Singing a favorite song at the top of your lungs in the car together
- Act like strangers and use your worst pick-up lines on each other