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10 Questions that Will Grow Your Intimacy in Marriage

God declared that it was not good for man to be alone.  Jesus taught in John 10: 30 that we are to be one just as He and the Father are one.

Intimacy is a description of God’s love; because it reflects His nature and character.  He is not alone; there is an intimate relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The mystery is how we as married couples are to reflect that oneness … that intimacy.

Intimacy is vital to a great marriage.  How are you building intimacy with your spouse?  Is it purposeful, or just something that you let to chance?  Why not take some time to build that relationship … to mirror the openness, honesty, love and care that we see in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


  1.     When did you last cry?  What was it about?
  2.     When you get home from work, what would you like me to do or say in the first few minutes?
  3.     What are you currently praying about?  Why?
  4.     What should I never say or do to you, even in anger or frustration?
  5.     What can I do for you that would make you feel special or appreciated?
  6.     What Bible verses have been speaking to you lately? Why?
  7.     What are three things on your bucket list that you think we could check off in the next year?
  8.     What would you consider as the greatest accomplishment in your life so far?  What would you like to accomplish in the future?
  9.     Where would you like to travel to?  Why?
  10.    What barriers or walls are in our relationship that we need to address?
Couple sitting on floor in front of couch talking

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Almost 65% of the couples attending a marriage intensive retreat with The Marriage Hub are given some sort of financial needs based scholarship. Without those funds, we would not be able to save their marriage.

The Marriage Hub is the marriage ministry of House on the Rock Family Ministries, a registered 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Checks can be mailed to: The Marriage Hub – 18 N Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022

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