Proverbs 21:5 states, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” In our society, the concept of planning has been embraced in many venues, such as planning for your future education or career planning, your wedding, planning for a vacation, and in the business world, creating your business plan for success while planning in general is understood, valued and encouraged. Planning for success in your relationship is something that’s routinely overlooked or non-existent. We’ve been lulled into a notion that the emotions of love and those romantic feelings from our youth will simply stay with us and cause us to be happy ever after. Here’s a few ways you can begin planning for success as a couple.
1. Plan to spend time in open and honest communication each day. Set aside a specific time and place to ask each other questions that relate to the events as well as emotions of the day.
2. Plan your weekly calendar with time to spend together. Make sure these dates and leisure times or even work around the house that’s done together, don’t get squeezed out by other lesser priorities.
3. Plan to be physically intimate. This might sound crazy to many of you, but knowing ahead of time can build anticipation, help you keep physical intimacy as a priority, and save you the mental energy and anguish of trying to find out if your spouse is in the mood.
4. Plan times to grow your spiritual intimacy as a couple. Whether it’s time reading the Bible together, prayer, going to church, or serving together as a couple, this planned time will open new avenues of spiritual growth for you, both individually and together.
5. Plan ahead for special gifts or treats by planning ahead so you’ll know you have the money in your budget to splurge on your spouse. And if your spouse is anything like mine, a well thought out gift on a non-birthday or anniversary date speaks their language of love. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. Are you going to wish for a great marriage or plan for it?