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3 Reasons to Take a Marriage Vacation

Have you ever gone on a marriage vacation? I’m not talking about a second honeymoon or a special anniversary trip. I’m talking about you and your spouse scheduling regular times to getaway together alone as a couple without your kids, to deepen your relationshipfriendship and intimacy. Some of you might be wrestling with that idea because you’re a conscientious parent. But if that’s the case, ask yourself this question, “Do you just want to be parents together or do you want to have a fulfilling and foundational marriage to build your family on?” I know that we all try to prioritize our marriages with date nights and putting the kids to bed early so we can have some couple time. But let’s be honest, do you really focus on you as a couple during that time, or do you end up catching up on the things that need to get done? Yeah, I thought so. So let me share with you three reasons why a marital vacation is important for you to consider.

1.  The busyness of your lives has weakened the priority of your marriage. Your life is crammed full of work and parenting activities, and all that good stuff can wreak havoc on the most important relationship you have with your spouse. The tyranny of the urgent propels everybody and everything else to the front of your priority line, giving your marriage a backseat. A couple’s getaway offers you the time and attention to reprioritize your marriage. Focus time away from home and work allows you to deepen your connection rather than just superficially dealing with the regular issues of day to day life.

2. You’ve gotten a little bored or a little too comfortable. Let’s be honest, it’s easy to get lazy and to take one another for granted. Marriage vacations give you the chance to reconnect with each other in some new places and exciting ways. Spending time together can increase the fun and friendship you haven’t experienced together for a while and couples getaways can give your physical intimacy a little boost as well.

3. Your kids want your marriage to succeed. The number one fear most kids have today is, “Are you guys getting a divorce?” When your children see that you’re investing time, energy and money into your marriage, they’re not only encouraged, they’re getting the message that marriage is important, which is going to set them up for a better than average relationship with their future spouses as well.

Your getaway doesn’t have to be to some exotic tropical retreat or expensive hotel. It doesn’t have to be one or two weeks long. You can farm your kids out to family or swap some babysitting with friends and simply stay at home for a fun filled weekend together. The important thing is you focus on becoming a better we. So schedule some time to get away as a couple. Right now!

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Almost 65% of the couples attending a marriage intensive retreat with The Marriage Hub are given some sort of financial needs based scholarship. Without those funds, we would not be able to save their marriage.

The Marriage Hub is the marriage ministry of House on the Rock Family Ministries, a registered 501c3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

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